Your Health
Our Priority

Updates in Response to COVID-19
Through a time where our physical health is at the forefront, I want to help you also prioritize your mental health. Please continue reading to review the procedures in place to promote your wellbeing while pursuing psychotherapy during this time.
Virtual Sessions
I am offering secure, HIPAA-compliant teletherapy via phone or video. I use the secure platforms of Google Hangouts for video sessions and for phone sessions. No downloads or purchases necessary to engage in these platforms.
*For new clients, I recommend at minimum that our first session be of video format to promote the most productive therapeutic experience. To view my teletherapy disclosure, click here.
In-Person Sessions
For those who are unable to meet virtually for any reason, I am offering in-person sessions. Social distancing requirements can be met within my Cherry Creek and Highland offices. Extra measures are being taken to clean and disinfect high contact areas throughout the building, suite, and offices. Hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes are available in the waiting room for your use.
Public Health Order Exemption
In accordance with the Colorado Stay At Home Order as it relates to in-person sessions, §III(A)(1) states that "visiting a healthcare professional" is exempted as a "Necessary Activity", §III(B)(1) states that "accessing necessary activities" is exempted as "Necessary Travel", and §III(C)(1) outlines that "behavioral health care providers" are "Critical Business" Healthcare Operations. Per §III(F), social distance requirements can be maintained within my Cherry Creek and Highland offices. We are consistently monitoring the recommendations and updates from the Centers of Disease Control, and will continue to update responses as needed.
Reduced Rate
To be sensitive to our current economic condition, a reduced rate for sessions completed during this time may be an option. If interested, please reach out and we can discuss further.
Reliable Information Source
We encourage the reliance on reputable sources like the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) for information and recommendations. Here is a link to the CDC COVID-19 page with updated information and guidance as it becomes available. If you are experiencing symptoms such as a cough, fever, or shortness of breath, or have been in close contact with a known confirmed case, please follow recommended protocol, and request tele therapy sessions until you are cleared.
Reasons to Start Therapy Now
The impact of COVID is vast and complex. I'm here to help you work through any COVID related concerns, including any side-effects of the pandemic (added relationship and/or family stress, isolation/loneliness, loss of control and uncertainty). I'm also here to help you work through internal or relational challenges whether they preceded the pandemic or not. I hope you'll reach out, so we can start our important work together.
Well wishes and warm regards,
Kelsey Vincent